The Cargo Letter


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The Cargo Letter

Books on the Law of International Trade

Books Index

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The Environment and Nafta : Understanding and Implementing the New Continental Law

by Pierre Marc Johnson, Andre Beaulieu

In The Environment and NAFTA, two internationally known experts discuss both law and policy as they examine the environmental implications of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the related North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation (NAAEC). Pierre Marc Johnson and Andre Beaulieu consider the context in which those implications were brought to the negotiating table, the legal mechanism established to address them, and the original trilateral institution set up to maintain a continent-wide level of environmental cooperation. The authors explain how NAFTA and its interaction with NAAEC might take place and how that will affect trade policy and practices, environmental protection efforts, and the relationships between Canada, Mexico, andthe United States. In addition, they consider the environmental features of NAFTA as part of the "social agenda" of trade - the environmental, labor, and broad human rights issues that are coming to play an increasing role in the development of international agreements. The manner in which NAFTA parties have confronted that challenge provides valuable insight into the future of regional and international cooperation.


Frontiers of Competition Law

by Julian Lonbay

Addresses major areas of competition law and policy at the community level, the national level and at the level where the two interact. Each chapter is fully independent but the collective volume will provide analysis of how competing regulation and practice impacts on key commercial activity. Topics include economics versus business strategy; fines, merger control; joint ventures; block exemptions; and enforcement.


The World Economy: Resources, Location, Trade and Development

by Anthony R. De Souza, Frederick P. Stutz, Anthony R. Desouza

This timely new edition gives students a sound theoretical and practical foundation for understanding the global economy in anera of shifting borders, restructuring economies, and regional realignments. The text thoroughly examines models and concepts of Economic Geography, including population, natural resources, international trade and development. It combines economictheory with geography in an attempt to resolve critical problems of growth, distribution, and development; and to explain their impact on international business. Recent geopolitical changes are vividly portrayed in a series of superb new maps and striking photographs, all in dazzling full color. Abstract concepts are made comprehensible by the use of fascinating real-worldexamples. The book provides a global perspective on international business. It is this pragmatic worldview, evident in everychapter, that makes the second edition of The World Economy: Resources, Location, Trade and Development ideal forcourses in economic geography, international trade, business, marketing, and development.


International Business Law : Text, Cases, and Readings

by Ray S. August

Emphasizes practical application and theory of international business law with supplementary cases and readings.


American Trade Laws After the Uruguay Round

by Greg Mastel


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